Best Positive Motivational Thoughts

Best Positive Motivational Thoughts: Family is the only place where we are accepted with all the drawbacks..! “The Importance of Life.. The Unity & Trust of the Family” परिवार ही वो एकमात्र जगह है जहाँ हमें खुद की सारी कमियों के साथ स्वीकार किया जाता है ॥“जिंदगी का सार.. परिवार की एकता और विश्वास”

जवानी का समय विश्राम के नाम पर नष्ट करना ही घोर मूर्खता है ।
क्योंकि यही वह समय है जिसमें मनुष्य अपने जीवन का, अपने भाग्य का निर्माण कर सकता है ।

सच्चाई और अच्छाई की
तलाश में चाहे पुरी दुनिया
घूम लो… अगर वह खुद में नहीं
तो कही भी नहीं…

प्रसिद्धि की तृष्णा, यदि महान व्यक्तियों की आखिरी कमजोरी है तो सामान्य मनुष्यों की पहली कमजोरी है।
इसे त्यागने में ही भलाई है।

परिंदों को मिलेगी मंजिल यकीनन,
ये फैले हुए उनके पर बोलते हैं,
वही लोग रहते है खामोश अक्सर,
जमाने में जिनके हुनर बोलते हैं..!

अहंकार” दिखाकर
किसी रिश्ते को तोड़ने से
कहीं अच्छा है कि, क्षमा”
मांगकर उस रिश्ते को निभाया जाये।
केवल “रोजी रोटी” कमाना ही
हुनर की बात नही है.
परिवार के साथ “राजी राजी रोटी” खाना,
भी बहुत बड़ा हुनर है..!!

You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don’t have strong character, you won’t go very far.

There was many problems in my life
But a thought motivate me.


I will be a very success man
Problems are making me strong.

Life can never promise you to be always happy , but life gets better after you accept things you just can’t change.

remember most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone.

Confidence and Hardwork is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. it will make u a successful person.

Ego and Love
Are the Branches
of the same tree, Just the difference is,
Love always wants
to Say Sorry, and
Ego always wants
to Hear it…..🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃🍂

You can’t stop troubles from happening in your life. But the way you react to them can build you, heal you and let yourself grow.

Practice like you’ve never won.
Perform like you’ve never lost.

You will never have this day again so make it count.
Appreciate the people who were there for you when you needed it the most.
Today give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine they see all day. Have a beautiful day!…😁😁😁😍

People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them.

If you want to succeed you must strongly believe in your abilities. Confidence in self is the first step to success.

Without Crossing the worst Situations,
No One Can Touch the Best Corners of life.
Dare to face anything in life….


“Be Soft and cool Like water,
So U can Adjust anywhere in Life
Be hard & attractive Like Diamond,
So No one can play with ur emotions.”

There Is No Wine If Grapes Are Not Pressed,
No Perfume If Flowers Are Not Crushed.
So Don’t Be Afraid If There Are Pressures In
Your Life, It Will Bring The Best Out Of You!

“What is the ‘Most Easy” & ”Most Difficult” thing in Life?
Ans : ”Mistakes”.
Easy to Judge when Others do it.
Difficult to Realize When we do it.”

“Always try to represent yourself happy, because initially it becomes your look, gradually it becomes your habbit & finally it becomes your personality.”

Positive Motivational Thoughts
Positive Motivational Thoughts

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